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What makes our tuna sustainable?

First, Moalia tuna is line caught by sustainable fishing methods then the tuna species sold by Moalia are Yellowfin tuna (thunnus albacares) or Bigeye tuna (thunnus obesus) and their origins are Sri Lanka and Maldives. These species are not considered endangered in the Indian Ocean. Studies by the IOTC (Indian Ocean Tuna Commission) indicate that the stocks for both species are above a biomass level that would produce maximum sustainable yield in the long term and that current fishing mortality is below the maximum sustainable yield. In conclusion, stocks are healthy. (IOCT’s study)



Other sources state the same thing. FAO’s report about the “General situation of world fish stocks” does not include any of these species among the overexploited or depleted. (FAO’s report)


Yellowfin tuna


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Fishchoice and Global Tuna Alliance


The Fishchoice program advises hundreds of  businesses through its partnership program, helping transform the marketplace in favour of environmentally responsible fisheries and aquaculture operations.


During 2017 Moalia enrolled as a fishchoice supplier member, committing to sharing the sourcing details and fishchoice rating for all products offered. Furthermore, Moalia is the first EU fresh tuna importer to have made this commitment.

By working with the Fishchoice program Moalia and its suppliers are receiving guidance on sustainable seafood selections to ensure exceptional quality while maintaining a commitment to the health of our oceans.


Moalia has taken a significant step by joining the Global Tuna Alliance, becoming the pioneer in Spain and the first company specializing in fresh tuna to align with this esteemed organization. The Global Tuna Alliance is renowned for its commitment to combating overfishing and advocating for improved stock management in the Indian Ocean. By joining forces with this influential entity, Moalia underscores its dedication to sustainability and responsible fishing practices, further solidifying our role as industry leaders in promoting environmental stewardship within the global tuna market.



The fishing technique used by our suppliers is artisanal “pole & line”. The gear is composed of a rigid pole of 2 to 3 m and a strong short line with a feathered jig on a barbless hook. The pole is held by a fisherman standing on a platform running along the rear of the vessel, also called bait boat. This method is the most sustainable because it essentially eliminates by-catch of other species, such as sharks or turtles. For other sources about the sustainability of this method, check these links:



Greenpeace Pole and Line in the Maldives


WWF Yellowfin Tuna Status

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Supplying high quality Fresh Tuna Sashimi and Sushi since 1994

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